Daily Hope and Inspiration from Pastor Mark

Monday, August 23, 2010

How to have a serene and peaceful day

The Serenity Prayer, which is a part of AA and other 12 Step Programs, has been around since the early 1940s. Most attribute authorship to German Theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, who states he wrote the prayer for a sermon in 1934. Whether you 12 Step or not, these three simple lines, when understood, and followed daily, has significant meaning and brings instant comfort to the daily chaos we face.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

The first line of the prayer is asking us to recognize and accept when to let things go. The suggestion is to let them go peacefully without resentment. Almost daily we encounter people, places, things, and situations which we have no control over. When we can realize that we have no power to change them, our acceptance will allow us to begin working on what we can change, which is ourselves and how we react to people, places, things, and situations.

The courage to change the things I can

The second line of this prayer gently but firmly reminds that courage is needed and almost required at times to make changes in our lives. Change is uncomfortable and even frightening at times, even when it allows us to move from a bad situation into a better one. Comfortable pain is something we humans naturally prefer over change. Therefore letting go of negative relationships and situations are not always easy. We may still love the person; perhaps we are afraid to leave the place we are in mentally; we may be used to the situation, and find the painful familiarity comforting when compared to change to the new or unknown. That is why it is important to ask for the courage to be able to make these changes and to remember that no one is expected to do this on their own. Whether we turn to God, a Higher Power, close friends or family, or a family doctor or counselor, there is someone there to help make the transition a little easier if we become willing to ask for help and are prepared to take action.

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Perhaps this is the most important part of the prayer. Think about it, if we lack the wisdom to know when change is needed and possible, we may find ourselves continually doing the same things but expecting different results.  (my preferred definition of insanity!) Please remember that we cannot force other people, places, things or situations to change. Forcing change onto others is a losing battle. Please check your own experience. Are you more open to change when you are willing to look at it, or when it is forced upon you?
Our key to happiness does not lie in changing our outer world and those around us, but in changing how we see the outer world by changing our inner world. Serenity is found within us, and one way to find that inner peace is to follow the steps of the Serenity Prayer. 
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
and the wisdom to know the difference.

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