Daily Hope and Inspiration from Pastor Mark

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why am I angry?

When I find myself angry at some person, place, thing, or situation I need to look at letting go of the anger. When the anger lingers to the point where it begins to cloud my thinking and affect my attitudes and behaviors toward others I now have resentment. Now those of you that know me understand that I am a 2 syllable guy so this resentment business is a serious matter. 

When I get resentful, I am re sending the same thought through my mind over and over. This is not a good thing because my mind will twist that thought to stretch the perceived wrong done me and minimize my part every time. Before long my mind will convince me that I am blameless, a victim, and worthy of others pity! Talk about insanity!

My solution is to get outside of my own perceptions and thoughts. Obviously I can’t fix my own mind with my own mind so I need to get perspective and balance. I look at my part in the matter. Where did I contribute to the situation and what do I need to look at in me to change? I also need to make myself accept that person, place, thing, or situation exactly as it is for the moment. If it is a person, then I need to ask God’s help immediately to forgive them. After I pray I immediately turn my thought toward helping someone else. Before long, the resentment is gone and I am feeling like myself again.

Friends, we live in this world and it’s full of people, places, and things that are always in collision with our wants and desires. Obviously we are going to be let down and disappointed quite often if we expect perfection all the time. It’s how we handle our attitudes and behaviors in these trying times that determine our happiness and acceptance of these matters.
Please remember we are God’s kids and only here on Earth for a short time. 

Please ask yourself….are you still a human being seeking a spiritual experience… or are you now a spiritual being having a human experience?!?

Matthew 6:14-15 “… if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

"It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness. To the precise extent that we permit these, do we squander the hours that might have been worthwhile."
Alcoholics Anonymous, How It Works, pg. 66

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